The Tomato Sphere Project!!!

Hello and welcome to the King Souvik space channel. Today, we are going to talk about the project called the Tomato Sphere. This project is all about growing tomatoes in space!! That’s cool…right? This project is happening because scientists/astronauts want to know if or if not they can grow food in space. There are many reasons to grow plants in space. One is that the plants will take the carbon dioxide that the astronauts breath out and will convert it into oxygen for the astronauts to breath. Another reason is that they will provide food for the astronauts. I saved the best part for last.. The best part is that you can apply your school for this project and your school might be given some of the 600,000 seeds that have been in space!!! You get to touch something that has been is space. Isn’t that great? So apply for this program and be a scientist your self, because I know that I am doing it! Don’t believe me?Well then go to this link… Thanks for reading!!

Go Earth Hour!!!!!

Have you ever wondered how much electricity you are using every year? Well if you had plot it on a graph you would know, right? In our house the electricity usage is 8.3 kWh per day and say our houses usage is a example suppose this is how much electricity you use in your house. Imagine if all the people in your city used as much electricity as you, that would be a lot of electricity. Now imagine how much the whole country is using. Now again imagine how much the whole continent is using. THAT’S A LOT OF ELECTRICITY so now that you have imagined how much electricity your continent is using, think about how to lower this usage. YES, I GOT IT CELEBRATE EARTH HOUR!!!!!!!! It starts at 8:30 today and goes on until 9:30. This is to my classmates, if you celebrate Earth Hour I will not be scientific for 1 week. But you have to have prove on your blog. To prove it you have to post a picture or video of you and your family celebrating Earth Hour.

Did you know that……

Today, Voyager 1 has left the solar system behind! This spacecraft was launched 35 years, 6 months and 15 days as of March 20. This was the first spacecraft to fly by the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Now this spacecraft is the first manmade object to leave the solar system behind. This spacecraft carries a golden record that carries sounds of the Earth and pictures of life forms on our planet Earth so if aliens intercept this spacecraft they get this information. It has traveled for 11 billion miles and is out of the heliosphere and is going into interstellar space (space between two stars). If you want to learn more about this mission go to this link… Stay tuned for more news on space missions!!!!!!


Silver Birch Book

I recently read the book MAKING BOMBS FOR HITLER. Its a pretty sad book, mostly about a girl who is seperated from her younger sister, Larrissa. The book is set in the time period when World War II was started(1939-1945). While Lida (the girl) is captured by the Germans/Nazis, her sister is also captured while all the dangers await Lida at prison camp, torture and work. She has to prove herself useful or else….But because she is good at sewing she gets of easy, Lida gets to go to the laundry and she sews clothes damaged in war,but more danger awaits her. Her only hope that she will locate her sister fast and escape together if she is alive and well. This book is a sad story (this is not a book for people who like happy endings) but I can tell you its exciting in the end. But if you ever get to see this book and if are ok with sad endings I really recommend that you pick it up!!